The best way to experience the Brooklyn Seltzer Museum is in person. But if you live out of town – or want a preview before booking your tickets – this section will give you a good sense of the many delights that greet our visitors. In fact, just for you, we may even include some extra special online-exclusives.
Below you will find timelines that go back 2,400 years, of both seltzer history and of seltzer in NYC. You’ll explore the industrial process of turning municipal tap water into high quality seltzer. You’ll manipulate 3D models of century-old machines (still in use in the factory) and tackle visual puzzles that test both skills and knowledge. You’ll read seltzer stories left by former visitors (to the Museum and this site)… and might even be inspired to leave your own.
So get yourself a tall glass of seltzer, welcome to the Virtual Brooklyn Seltzer Museum, and choose a button to begin your tour. (Please exit through the gift shop).

Sign the Guest Book
Enjoying your visit? Let us know in the virtual guest book here.