Egg Cream Invitational

Program is subject to change.

11:00: SeltzerFest begins. Booths open. More here.

11:30: Main stage opens. Welcome ceremony / The Opening Spritz / The Little Siphon That Could

12:15: Fizzing into the Future–The Next Generation of Jewish Bubbly, presented by The Neighborhood. Join us for a panel conversation and live demonstration featuring industry experts, mixologists, and tastemakers on the past, present, and future of carbonated Jewish beverages. More here.

1:15:  The Spirit of Eli Award. Named after seltzer man Eli Miller, whom the NYTimes called in his obituary the “sultan of seltzer.” This year’s Eli recognizes the inimitable Walter Backerman, seltzer delivery man extraordinaire.

2:00: Egg cream Invitational. Ten soda jerks, four judges, one mc–what can go wrong? More here.

3:45: Dance and sing to live Yiddish seltzer-themed Klezmer music, presented by The Workers Circle.

4:15: The Awards Ceremony, for both the Egg Cream Invitational and the SeltzerFest Awards (for best tasting seltzer). Closing ceremony.

5:00: Main stage closes. Booths close. SeltzerFest closes.