Gothamist – 10 of the Coolest Places
10 of the coolest places that will open to the public for Open House New York Weekend According to the Gothamist, the Brooklyn Seltzer Museum is the 3rd coolest place to visit in 2023 as part of Open House New York! “This soda museum, attached to a fourth-generation...

Teachers College Columbia University
In June of 2023, our launch partners at Teachers College, Columbia University, published “Do You Know How to Design a Museum? TC students bring the story of seltzer to life in a new Brooklyn experience”. Read it here or check-out some highlights below: Ice cream,...

News8 WTNH
WTNH, which is Channel 8 in New Haven Connecticut, aired a 5 minute interview with Alex Gomberg in June 2023. This clip features the section where they ask Alex about the Brooklyn Seltzer Museum. Channel 12 News in Brooklyn ran this two minutes piece on the Museum as...

Yahoo! News
On Sat, May 20, 2023, Yahoo News’ Catherine Garcia, Night editor (what is a night editor?) wrote (compiled?) the following: New York’s last seltzer factory offers a blast from the past A trip to New York City isn’t complete without a bagel, cheesecake, a slice of...

The New York Times Visits the Brooklyn Seltzer Museum
On May 13, 2023, The New York Times ran a front-page article on the weekend Metropolitan section focused on the Museum and the larger seltzer works. It is also full of online-only videos and photographs. You can read the full article (by Corey Kilgannon) here with...

Spectrum News NY1
NY1 – New York City’s local 24-hour news station – visited the Brooklyn Seltzer Museum on May 11th and 12th, 2023. This is the prerecorded segment compiled from May 11th to be inserted within his live coverage on May 12th. The first half covers the history of the...